Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In the beginning...

Right now I am in a hotel in Charlotte on business. I just started a new job and in an effort to improve myself both professionally and personally, I've decided it's time to get back in shape. But this isn't the first time I have dedicated myself to getting in shape (all without success). In an effort to increase my accountability, I decided to start a blog...my first.

Last Thanksgiving I received the P90x program as a gift. I am sure you've seen the infomercials. Tony Horton looks like a bodybuilder with a 50 year old man's head attached to his body. Yeah, I bought into the hype. But the research I have seen online shows that the results are real, if you can stick to it. So I'm gonna give it everything I've got, it won't be easy, but anything worth having usually isn't. Please feel free to offer support, ask questions, or come work out with me...Strength in numbers!

Here's a tentative plan, and hoping for some life changing results:
1. P90x starts on Friday, June 19th, 2009...this gives a 90 day goal somewhere around Sept. 19th give or take a few days.
2. In addition to workouts, I am giving up sweet tea, sodas, etc.. Everything but water, milk, and occasionally juices is gone. If you know me then you know the sweet tea habit is going to be the hardest part of this whole process.
3. As far as diet, I am not laying out any concrete rules. My philosophy on eating is that you know what you should eat and shouldn't (it really is common sense and accountability). My guidelines will be as follows: lots of grilled chicken, fish, veggies, salads and turkey sandwiches. I love healthy food already and I don't eat much red meat, so this will be an easier shift for me. My goal will be to eat more often and smaller portions. I hesitate to make any of these eating rules too strict because we all know that life moves fast and it's so hard to plan meals. Instead I am shooting for following an eating philosophy.
4.Workouts will take place in my garage, where I have already set up everything I need to be successful. I will post pics of my workout area when I get back home.

This is obviously a very tentative outline and will be tweaked as I continue the program based on how things are going. Of course, I will post my progress, pics (yikes) , weight and overall feeling during the program. Also, when I get back home, I will post all my beginning stats. If you have any questions, suggestions, or words of encouragement, please feel free to let me know!